April 9, 2010

Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey Review

Phil Cooke's website asked the question, "Can Someone Explain This to Me?" (Also, you can see the video here... Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey)

Here's my response...

I am not one to judge others' motives, but all believers are called to discern the spirits. Do miracles happen today? Of course! I should be dead today except by God's Divine intervention and protection in my life - others could speak to the Lord's working beyond the normal as well. However, Jesus never created any hype before he healed individuals (I am sure that there was already excitement when Jesus was around, but He was not the one instigating it). On the contrary, His mission was to emphasize His Father's love for mankind. He often healed with the goal of belief of individuals (belief did not always come before healing) and many times in conjunction with the salvation of a soul, but belief/faith was not built through the element of excitement - it resulted in a direct encounter with the Divine Healer, himself.

Any element of worship that draws attention away from God and His glory is not worship, but entertainment. Churches all need to beware that they do not fall into this trap, because when they construct a feeling like they are really in, they are definitely out.

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